Solstice The darkness comes as early as it will. All the voices stop as the children begin twirling slowly on the playground of the church, arms outstretched, mittens dangling, gazing upwards. Never-ending snowflakes are falling everywhere out of the darkness onto their faces, into their open mouths, no longer cold or hungry or scared or
All at once, from all the green in the park, some something, you can’t say what, is missing; you feel it coming close to the windows and staying still.
Oh People! The fifth podcast of No Way Out but Through is live! The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters —Francisco Goya Thanks…
Oh People, my book is live! Find it at Amazon.com. Also available at Amazon.de, Amazon.it, Amazon.fr Amazon Description In 2005, Scott Taylor found a metal box filled with photographs in the boiler room of the house he and his family had just moved into. Some were color photographs from the 70s, others were much, much
Oh People, the fourth episode of No Way Out but Through is live. Stories, poems, and monologues with music for that special sheltering-at-home time of…
A lonesome twister lifts blossoms into the air then ceases to be ≈ Early morning grey, the world without human sound— the birds don’t miss it ≈ The usual rain but the playing field’s grass is taller than ever ≈ Winter’s given up letting the sun have its
K. woke up on a plane and found himself tied up. Someone said he was a hijacker. This made no sense.
He Asked “If you could go back in time, what’s the one thing you would change about your life?” She told him. Reprimand “I’m sorry ma’am,” said the officer. “Did he suffer?” she asked. Later, at the station, the commissioner said, “Look, there are some situations that don’t require the god-awful truth.” Ghost