
Very Short Stories


Testing my Hypothesis that my Roommate has been Reading my Diary

Today’s entry:
Have started poisoning F.
Will now watch for signs.


For his own Good

“Yes,” he admitted to me, “it’s bad, inexcusably bad, that it had gotten to the point where saving the relationship all came down to the creation, delivery, and appreciation of a carefully crafted mix-tape—the best mix-tape ever on the topic of unrequited love, if you ask me.”

“What happened?”

“It was stolen out of my car. They didn’t touch anything else. I don’t get it.”

“The Universe is an indifferent construct,” I told him, knowing that, at some point, the investigation would lead them to me.


On the Writer’s Shelf

His books, all of which were published some thirty to forty years ago, a copy of The Seagull, and a gun.


Mr. Death

He appeared at the kitchen window, like in a fifties sitcom, and chatted her up in a neighborly way.


After the Fight

I was staring straight up through the tree skeletons at the snow floating down. I was very cold. I was lying on my back on a bit of black ice on a walkway through the commons. I could not remember how I got there.

My girlfriend stomped over and pushed on my arm with the heel of her boot like she was testing the liveliness of a roadkill.

“Hey,” I said.

“Well, I guess you’re not dead,” she said, and stomped off again toward the tram.


Guinness Book Attempt

I needed to stay up for 12 nights. My buddies were helping me. Restaurants brought food, thinking I was a boy scout. The third day I began muttering and talking to myself. On the fourth day, I began yelling at people. They took me off the radio and they took me off TV. On the fifth day: my friends spiked my coffee with sleeping pills they had ground up with two spoons.



It had been a long day. He worked late for the third time this week, but everything seemed to be finally going well. He had really turned the corner on everything. New city. New job. Sure, divorce was on the horizon, but even that seemed like a relief now and not a tremendous insult.

He got out of the car, and walked into a convenience store by his apartment. He grabbed a loaf of bread, some eggs, and a single pilsner. As he waited in line, he looked up and saw a poster with his picture on it and the word “Bounty” above his head.

“What the hell?”

“Is this some kind of joke,” he said to the clerk.

She shrugged.

He took the poster down to have a better look at it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the clerk turn away from him as she punched in some numbers and began whispering into the phone.


The Tale of the Twins

Once upon a time there were twins, alike in every way except that one could only open doors and the other could only close them.

One day, the one who could only open doors died, and well, you know the rest.


Contrary to What You’ve Heard about Screaming

“Jay is a project manager from Athens we abducted three days ago. If you want to learn more about him, login, and use your subscriber code to access his entire Facebook site, as well as his WhatsApp and Telegram accounts—including all the messages he’s deleted in the last year!

“I’ve just received word that Jay has been put into the Extravehicular Mobility Suit. In a couple minutes, we’ll wake him up with a shot of adrenaline, and then eject him from the space station. He’ll have thirty minutes to get his bearings, figure out the suit, and then maneuver his way back to the docking doors before his oxygen runs out, while you, our special subscribers, get to watch and listen.

“Okay, I’ve gotten the thumbs up. Here we go! Contestant number 59640, it’s time to wake up! I’m sure you’ve got questions.“



Nothing bad ever happens at the Scissors Museum, he said, twisting his mustachio.


The last thing H. remembered was getting in bed next to his wife, hoping to get enough sleep before his presentation in the morning. Now, he was being dragged in chains down a dirt road toward a bonfire. People were yelling. People were cheering. They threw rocks at him.

G. woke feeling pleased with himself. This was a new time, a new place. He would have to learn the language. In the meantime, there was a woman in bed with him, who was responding to his touch.



They had gotten out of the city. No cell service. No electricity. Not a single soul knew they were there. The view was absolutely breathtaking.

However, it was ten below, and the car wouldn’t start.


Penultimate Moment

The moment I realized he really was from another planet, was the moment I regretted everything I had just said.


Coming to

K. woke up on a plane and found himself tied up. Someone said he was a hijacker. This made no sense. Why was he even on a plane? But the more he thought about it, the more he supposed it was true. I need to get out of these ropes, he thought, and back to the situation at hand.


Mamma Mia

She mixed up Queen and ABBA because of a lyric and her life has never been the same.


Last Words

The stage was set. Everyone was gathered around his bed. He knew he’d be gone before evening. Thankfully, he had rehearsed this moment in his head for months. He would relish this moment.

Later, at the very end, unable to speak, his last thought was: I will never learn.


“I was Told Not to Contact You… “

Inside the big box, was a much smaller box in the middle of all the packing plastic. He unwrapped it carefully. It was a family portrait. There was a thick coating of dust on top of the frame.

He examined the photo and recognized himself as a very young boy, but he did not recognize anyone else.



“Santorini! . . . “Santorini! . . .  Please!”
“You and your safe words,” she said. “How adorable.”


The Metamorphosis

S. woke up feeling very strange.
He got out of bed, went to the mirror,
and found himself looking at a cartoon lion.
Heavens to Murgatroyd, he said.

He Asked

“If you could go back in time, what’s the one thing
you would change about your life?”

She told him.



“I’m sorry ma’am,” said the officer.
“Did he suffer?” she asked.

Later, at the station, the commissioner said,
“Look, there are some situations
that don’t require the god-awful truth.”



He hypothesized that he was a ghost.
He lectured and explained.
His evaluation of the literature was intriguing.
He presented persuasive examples.
I had many questions
but he simply kept talking as if I wasn’t there.


Worse Ways

Well,” the detective said to his partner,
as he walked away from the body.
“There are worse ways to die.”

“Not many,” she said.


Waiting for the Mask to Drop

Beneath my seat, instead of a floatation device,
there was a packet of plastic eyes.


Yeah, We Found Him

Nothing else to do, we fed his dogs
and called the sheriff on the short wave.


Wait a Minute

Looking at their wedding photos, they compared notes,
and realized that neither one knew the guy
who had introduced himself to each as “the uncle.”


Driver’s License Photo

He looked through the wallet he had found
that evening on the beach, on a pile of clothes, no one around.
He would have rent money after all.

Later, while relaxing for the first time in weeks,
there was a story on the news about a local woman
who had committed suicide.
She looked familiar.


Red then Green

“It has to be done in the exact order.”
“Wait, what?”


It was Funny at the Time

The anesthesia was just kicking in,
and it was time for the procedure.
“See you on the other side,” she said.


That’s when the radiator blew
and the now infamous pogo stick
began its fatal trajectory.


Radio Report

The cars were all leaving town, using both sides of the road, heading inland. It’s all very orderly. So far.


The Deputy’s Tale

The deputy used to work at the jail but asked for a transfer—one night, a few months back, he dreamed he had been locked in a cell and no amount of counseling or harassment could change that fact.



They were married and traveling, which they did a lot. They had a fight, which they did from time to time. She could not, for the life of her, remember what they had been fighting about.

He went for a walk after midnight to cool down.
This was not a good city for that.



Dinner would be ready soon, He had set the table perfectly for two.

The next morning, the settings were still there, unused, except for one glass and the entire bottle of wine.


Penelope’s Tale

Every night she undoes the knitting she’s done that day to fool the suitors— if only she can buy more time, she thinks, but look, here’s her husband home from work at the usual hour and of course there are no suitors.


The Former Rodeo Clown’s Tale

I always wanted to be a cowboy.
Look at me now, he says.
Anyway, that’s why I walk with a limp.



Once, he says, they talked to me, and more important, they talked about me amongst themselves. I was a great white hope, they said, he says.


Infernal Signs

Yesterday, after an absence of almost a hundred years, the goats came back to town.

Some people have begun selling their worldly possessions. Others think about behaving irresponsibly.


Sisyphus and Son

Are we there yet?