He Asked

“If you could go back in time, what’s the one thing
you would change about your life?”

She told him.



“I’m sorry ma’am,” said the officer.
“Did he suffer?” she asked.

Later, at the station, the commissioner said,
“Look, there are some situations
that don’t require the god-awful truth.”



He hypothesized that he was a ghost.
He lectured and explained.
His evaluation of the literature was intriguing.
He presented persuasive examples.
I had many questions
but he simply kept talking as if I wasn’t there.


Worse Ways

Well,” the detective said to his partner,
as he walked away from the body.
“There are worse ways to die.”

“Not many,” she said.


Waiting for the Mask to Drop

Beneath my seat, instead of a floatation device,
there was a packet of plastic eyes.


Yeah, We Found Him

Nothing else to do, we fed his dogs
and called the sheriff on the short wave.


Wait a Minute

Looking at their wedding photos, they compared notes,
and realized that neither one knew the guy
who had introduced himself to each as “the uncle.”


Driver’s License Photo

He looked through the wallet he had found
that evening on the beach, on a pile of clothes, no one around.
He would have rent money after all.

Later, while relaxing for the first time in weeks,
there was a story on the news about a local woman
who had committed suicide.
She looked familiar.


Red then Green

“It has to be done in the exact order.”
“Wait, what?”


It was Funny at the Time

The anesthesia was just kicking in,
and it was time for the procedure.
“See you on the other side,” she said.


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